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2024-07-31 Conda Community Meeting

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Various parts of the conda community gather on a regular basis. This meeting brings together all of these sub-communities for a community wide call.


NameInitialsAffiliationGH Username
Ken OdegardKOAnacondakenodegard
Marco EstersMEAnacondamarcoesters
Filipe FernandesFFconda-forgeocefpaf
Schuyler MartinSMAnacondaschuylermartin45
Michael SarahanMCSConda-forge/nvidiamsarahan
Katherine KinnamanKKAnacondakathatherine
Klaus ZimmermannKZQuansightzklaus
Cheng H. LeeCHLAnaconda/c-fchenghlee
Dasha GurovaDGAnacondadashagurova
Jannis LeidelJLAnaconda/c-fjezdez

X people in total


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New Agenda Items

  • (KO) Should we create GH teams in conda orgs for the CoC committee members? Allowing others to @ us?
    • We already have the @conda-conduct bot account for posting messages from the committee
    • Create a conda/infrastructure requesting team to be created
  • (MCS) Nvidia is feeling pain around need to hotfix run_exports. We would like to see about fixing it, but we want to know where it left off. Seems like Jaime got at least most of the way in
  • (DG/Travis) Conda office hours, should we do it? Previously discussed here: - please share your thoughts on the issue
  • (DG/Travis) Alternating conda community meeting times to accomodate for members in other timezones. Travis proposed the following: Conda community sync meetings should alternate between the following two times (UTC): 14:00 UTC (e.g. 16:00 CET; 7:00 PST), 17:00 UTC (e.g. 19:00 CET; 10:00 PST)
    • concern is that changing meeting time will decrease the attendance even more
    • we can't really get everyones input on what time works for them, maybe create a poll?
  • (WV) CEPs accepted
    • jinja in recipes
    • recipe rendering
    • sharded repodata
    • still out for vote: test "rendering"
  • (WV) Status of sharded repodata implementation?
  • Open votes:
  • (WV) New blog post: